The online security guide

You’ve registered the perfect domain name and are getting close to publishing your new website. Your product list, blog or new venture is coming together nicely, and your website looks superb. But something’s missing. You may recall the term ‘SSL’ from previous conversations and research. Here’s everything you need to …

2022 Passive Income Update

Whew, the first half of 2022 is over. It’s been a tough year for investors. The stock market is officially in a bear market and a recession is looming. Along with the stock market, our net worth decreased by the largest dollar amount ever (15%). However, our passive income is …

How to Get Started with Automated Email Marketing

Automated email marketing is the best option for sending personalized messages. Thanks to automation workflows, you can send personalized offers to customers at the relevant time, laying the groundwork for increased revenue. In this article, we’ll take a look at: what email marketing automation is the benefits of email marketing …