Hey everyone! I’m still in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I’m here for 3 months to visit my parents and help find a good nursing home for my mom. That’s done so I’m just relaxing and enjoying the rest of my stay. For the first 2 months, I stayed at my parents’ condo with several breaks at the hotels nearby. I was waiting for a unit to become vacant in my parents’ building. There were some delays, but I finally got into a pretty nice unit. Check it out.
Hillside Condo 4
*The exchange rate is about $1 to 33 baht.
I got a studio unit in my parents’ building for 8,000 baht per month! I pay for the electricity and water separately, but those should be less than 1,000 baht. All in all, I got a pretty good deal for under $300/month. This unit is pretty well equipped too. It has a bed, several chairs, a fridge, a washing machine, a small kitchen area, a balcony, and a working area. Also, the building has a pool. That’s awesome because Chiang Mai is getting hot! It’s 100 degrees almost every day this week. Anyway, I’ve seen some units in the area for 8-10,000 baht with just a bed. I’m pretty happy with my unit. Oh, this building is right across the street from the Nimman area. There are plenty of restaurants, shops, and cafes nearby. I love the Thai food here, so affordable.
Here is a quick video review I put on YouTube.
For comparison, I stayed at Furama for a week. This is a sister hotel, I think. I paid $15 per night. It’s pretty comfortable there. If you want to book a room at this hotel, keep checking the price every day. It seems to fluctuate between $22 and $14. It was pretty quiet when I stayed there. If I stayed at Furama for 31 days, it would cost $465. This is still cheap, but a hotel room just isn’t as homey. It was nice to have a freshly cleaned room every day, though. At Hillside 4, I have to clean the room myself.
Anyway, that’s it for today. I just wanted to share how much it cost to rent a room in Chiang Mai and give you a quick tour. You can get a pretty comfortable studio for about 10,000 baht per month, $300/m. Of course, you could splurge and spend more. Most places on Airbnb charges at least $500/m. You could also spend less if you have a vehicle. My friend said 8,000 baht per month is expensive! Locals spend way less on rent. It really depends on the area. I think the area around the university is a lot more affordable. However, most places want you to sign a year lease. One month is too short.
If you enjoy the video, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
Bye for now!
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Source: Retire By 40
Originally posted 2022-03-15 09:51:53. Republished by Blog Post Promoter