How to use consumer psychology to grow your small business

I bet you never thought you’d be a part-time psychologist when you started your business.  Over the last 10 years of owning a digital marketing agency, I’ve come to realize that successful marketers marry the art of design with the science of consumer psychology. Funny enough, I almost double-majored in …

Marketing automation — Guide to getting started with a marketing automation system

As a web pro or marketer, you’re being pulled in a thousand different directions every day. Between running your business, networking, managing projects and the million other things on your to-do list, marketing can fall down the list of priorities. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Marketing automation …

Email automation 101 — 5 steps to automate email marketing

Regardless of your niche, industry or sector, email is one of the most powerful marketing channels available to today’s business owners, with an ROI of $44 for every $1 spent. Ultimately, however, your email marketing success depends on how it’s done. When it comes to squeezing the most juice from …