Tips for Migrating Your Website to WordPress

Migrating your website from one content management system (CMS) to another can be challenging. It’s not a straightforward process. Each system has unique methods for storing data, theming, and adding functionality. Thus, there are no apples-to-apples site moves. It’s more like apples-to-oranges, with a few pears and peaches thrown in …

July 2022 FIRE Update

Hey everyone! We are back in Portland after 8 weeks of traveling. Whew, I am worn out. I think we are done with backpacking. Packing up and moving every few days isn’t as fun as it used to be. We had fun, but this trip just took a lot out …

WooCommerce Wednesdays: How to print shipping labels for WooCommerce

Shipping labels may not seem like a big part of running an ecommerce business, but they are vital to logistics and a well-run order fulfillment process. The absence of clear and organized shipping labels for WooCommerce would lead to delivery errors and a poor experience for your customers. When you …

4 Strategies for Improving Your Customer Service in 2022 

What makes a business successful? Some would say great products, others might argue it’s great employees. And while both of those are extremely important, they aren’t what keeps a business running. To truly be successful, you need to have loyal customers, and improving your customer service keeps them loyal. Globally, …

The anatomy of a results-worthy social media post

Whether you’re talking Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter — or any other platform for that matter — social media remains one of the world’s most powerful promotional mediums for brands across industries. As a budding business, social media marketing is an amazing way to boost brand awareness, showcase your expertise, and …