Career Path: The Do’s

Most professionals want an upward career path with frequent promotions. The aim is to boost our promotion rate and hence our growth angle. For instance, how career helpful is that geometry class? Focus on these personal branding criteria to speed up the process and get frequent promotions. Boss Career IQ …

Crafting a Strong Online Presence: Strategies for Personal and Professional Branding

In today’s digital age, creating an online identity that showcases both your personal opinions and professional expertise is essential for reaching a wider audience. Just as your offline reputation matters, your online persona can significantly impact your career, especially in fields like digital marketing. Building a personal brand means establishing …

What Makes Social Media Posts Captivating? 5 Key Things.

According to research, over 3.6 billion people use social media worldwide, a number projected to increase to almost 4.41 billion in 2025. With such a massive presence of people on social media channels, businesses can’t afford to miss the huge opportunity of reaching wider audiences through social media marketing. It …

Emerging Emotional Intelligence Impacting Our Lives

Emerging Emotional Intelligence Impacting Our Lives Emotional Intelligence (EI) has already been recognized as a significant factor in shaping individuals’ personal and professional lives. However, there continues to be further developments in our understanding and application of EI. Here are some ways in which emerging emotional intelligence might be impacting …

The Target and The Arrow

How to Recognize and Take Action on Your Most Important Entrepreneurial Goals At any given time, budding entrepreneurs are sprouting up daily. According to the Small Business Administration, there are about 600,000 new business started annually. With the economy in a state of flux, downturns are typically the times when …