Tough Times Persist For Small Biz Says Facebook Global SMB Survey

Facebook’s Global State of Small Business Report presents a relatively gloomful picture of small business economics. The pandemic started in early 2020, continues to negatively affect the entire globe. I believe civil unrest in Europe is also causing global economic concerns. We’ll first unpack some of the highlights inside the …

When to Use a Function Expression vs. Function Declaration

There are two ways to create functions in JavaScript: function expressions and function declarations. In this article, we will discuss when to use function expressions vs. function declarations, and explain the differences between them. Function declarations have been used for a long time, but function expressions have been gradually taking …

Crafting a Strong Online Presence: Strategies for Personal and Professional Branding

In today’s digital age, creating an online identity that showcases both your personal opinions and professional expertise is essential for reaching a wider audience. Just as your offline reputation matters, your online persona can significantly impact your career, especially in fields like digital marketing. Building a personal brand means establishing …