Bricktowntom's Market Place Sharing Industry News And Resources To Help You Succeed Online.

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Bricktowntom's Market Place Sharing Industry News And Resources To Help You Succeed Online.

Branding Purpose

Think about how your brand, product, or service impacts the lives of those who use it. This provides the key to all of your branding efforts. When asked to explain your brand’s mission, it’s all too simple to say something like “to generate money.” And, as any company owner, entrepreneur, …

Emerging Emotional Intelligence Impacting Our Lives

Emerging Emotional Intelligence Impacting Our Lives Emotional Intelligence (EI) has already been recognized as a significant factor in shaping individuals’ personal and professional lives. However, there continues to be further developments in our understanding and application of EI. Here are some ways in which emerging emotional intelligence might be impacting …

PKWARE Reflects on 2021 Highlights—Strong Company Growth, Customer Expansion, Award Wins, and More

2021 was another whirlwind year of combatting COVID-19 and adjusting how we work to protect customers’ data and move the business forward, despite the continued global pandemic. As we look ahead to 2022 and all the accomplishments we hope to achieve—including further expanding into new sectors, building the best team …

10 Myths About Entrepreneurs

There are lots of very wrong myths out there about entrepreneurs that may be worthwhile for you to examine as you think about whether starting a business is right for you. In his book, How to Start and Operate a Business: Winning the Entrepreneurial Game, which I published a number of years ago, author David …