PCI DSS Version 4.0: Responding to Sensitive Data Discovery Incidents

At the end of March, the PCI Standards Security Council (PCI SSC) publicly released the most recent update to the PCI Data Security Standards (DSS), version 4.0. While much speculation has occurred as to the contents of the new standards—and much of that speculation turned out to be correct—now it’s …

Interior Painting of Asheville — Building a business in a changing world

Andrew Sheffield and Rachel Kaplan were ready to make 2020 a big year. The couple moved in together on March 1, 2020, started planning trips, and looked forward to an adventure-filled future. But, like the rest of the world, their plans came to a grinding halt thanks to the COVID-19 …

5 things I don’t skimp on

I originally wrote this post in 2014. We were doing well financially then, but we are much more comfortable now. Did I change over the last 8 years? Am I still frugal and what do I splurge on these days? Today, I’ll give you an update.  Frugal lifestyle All right, …

5 Sure Ways for Real Estate Agents to Drive Web Traffic Through Social Media

5 Sure Ways for Real Estate Agents to Drive Web Traffic Through Social Media     As a real estate agent, the constantly demanding lifestyle that you lead will cause you to have less time for yourself because you have several clients to attend to daily.    As client-focused as …

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets That Enhance Hamburger Menus

The hamburger menu has become synonymous with mobile apps and websites. It neatly hides navigation items until users need them. They’re great for saving space when screen real estate is limited. And we’re also seeing them utilized more on desktop devices as well. This makes sense for large, complicated menus …

New Book – ChangeMasters: How To Actually Make the Changes You Already Know You Need To Make

Barry Moltz new book, ChangeMasters: How To Actually Make the Changes You Already Know You Need To Make, is a must-read to prompt you to take action. We know we need to take action. We know we need to change but we often don’t. We don’t take action. Based on …