Website Terminology Glossary: Website Security, Vol. 1

When you’re hustling, time is money and that money comes in coins, not bills. It’s why we made our Website Terminology Glossary for web pros. This free resource for designers, developers, marketers or anyone else makes it easier explaining technical stuff to clients. Rather than a lengthy back-and-forth, quickly find …

Everything you need to know about user experience (UX) design 

A perfect UX design involves deep design knowledge, technology, and human psychology. It involves knowing the qualities of a good product and what drives people to a website (and keeps them coming back). More specifically, an excellent UX design process makes it possible to get the right balance between users, …

How to become a mentor

Being a mentor is a rewarding experience. Not only do you provide value to the person you’re mentoring, but you’re getting new skills as well as the gratifying feeling of making a difference in someone’s life. Have you ever wondered how to become a mentor? Being a mentor can mean …

Networking for women: 7 ways to work your network for leads and clients

There is a big ugly misconception about women entrepreneurs, business owners and freelancers. It’s that women are more likely to compete with each other than support each other. As a female freelancer who works primarily with other female business owners, I’m here to tell you that is far from the …

Best Affiliate Marketing Programs : Top 10 Highest Paying for 2022

Affiliate marketing is on the rise, now more than ever. And, with that said, this lucrative marketing strategy is also becoming more and more saturated. With so many companies committing to online marketing and digital advertising, there’s a wide array of affiliate programs out there to choose from. It can …