Top 10 Free Responsive Slider & Carousel WordPress Plugins

The use of sliders may be ubiquitous, but how people use them is changing. While many still use the all-encompassing slider front-and-center on their home page, others find niche uses like dynamically showcasing products or blog content. When it comes to WordPress, there are plenty of plugins available to cater …

AI Video Generation Platforms: Pros and Cons of Free vs. Paid

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, including content creation. AI video generation platforms offer users the ability to create videos quickly and efficiently, leveraging algorithms to automate the video creation process. These platforms come in both free and paid versions, each offering distinct advantages and limitations. In this article, …

Why I Love Doing Our Taxes

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking – Joe has gone too far this time. However, this isn’t as uncommon as you’d think. According to a Pew Research survey, about a third of Americans like or even love doing their taxes. Most of these people said they like doing taxes …

7 Learning Habits for Developers: Reach Skill Goals in Less Time

As a developer, it’s important to always be learning. The industry is constantly changing, and if you don’t keep up, you’ll quickly fall behind. In this blog post, we will discuss seven learning habits that every developer should master. These habits will help you stay current in your field, and …

There’s No Place Like Home

Hey everyone! I’m home after 3 months in Thailand. I had a great time there, but wow, it is so nice to be back. There really is no place like home. Unfortunately, Japan Airlines’ “Chewing” millet pasta gave me food poisoning (stomach cramps and diarrhea). I was in pain for …

Evolving Brand Scams

Today’s bad actors are scam personal brand opportunists, and the players are like streams of water pouring over outdated or weak defenses. At its most basic level, cybersecurity is a data protection scams discipline in which we aim to preserve the “soft, chewy middle” of our organizations and our personal …