Tough Times Persist For Small Biz Says Facebook Global SMB Survey

Facebook’s Global State of Small Business Report presents a relatively gloomful picture of small business economics. The pandemic started in early 2020, continues to negatively affect the entire globe. I believe civil unrest in Europe is also causing global economic concerns. We’ll first unpack some of the highlights inside the …

Do You Invest Ethically?

Does ethics have a place in your investing strategy? This is a difficult topic, but it is more relevant than ever with the current conflict in Ukraine. Since the invasion of Ukraine, over 400 companies pulled out of Russia. This is to help support the sanctions and to show solidarity …

Brand Associate

It’s becoming more challenging to maintain brand associate visibility among all stakeholders in the new virtual or hybrid world of work. One Simple Technique for Keeping Yourself Visible on Social Media Your social media branding presence is much more vital now than before the Covid-19 pandemic. You want to avoid …

How to Use Social Media to Educate Your Customers on New FinTech Features

In a world where more than half of the global population is on social media, social media marketing has long passed the ‘can have’ stage, evolving into a ‘must have’ for businesses. Especially amid increasing talk of a digital transformation and the strategies facilitating it, social media furthers modernization for …